A personal favorite. This is a great ride to see the beauty of the Animas Valley, hopefully get a glimpse of the Durango to Silverton Narrow Gauge Train, and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere. Great for a group or solo ride. Start at Bread on County Road 250 and head north until you hit Trimble Lane. You can’t miss Trimble Lane, it’s the first stop sign. Turn left and ride past Dalton Golf Club until you get to the stop light. Follow the rules of the road when crossing Highway 550. There will be another stop sign and you will turn right. If you are looking for some relaxation stop off at Durango Hot Springs on your immediate left and take a dip or soak. Head north on County Road 203 until you get to the junction of Country Road 203, 201, and Highway 550. If you are looking for some additional miles start the climb of approximately 4 miles by taking County Road 201. This will lead you to the end of the pavement and very close to the Hermosa Creek Trail Head for hiking and mountain biking. This road is rough with potholes and crosses a cattle guard but is well worth the extra effort. Once you get to the end of the pavement be careful as you head back down County Road 201. Once back to the bottom you retrace your ride back to Durango or you can stay on County Road 203 until you get to the crossing of Highway 550. Cross the highway and take Animas View Drive to the stop light. Turn left and stay far right. There is a very wide shoulder for bicycles. At the next light is 32nd Street. Turn left and take 32nd Street to County Road 250. Turn right and you are back at Bread. Trip distance including the climb is approximately 34 miles.